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Emergency Management

Digby Regional Emergency Management Organization (REMO)

Serves residents within the Town of Digby and Muncipality of Digby.

It provides coordination and support for regional first responder police, fire, emergency health service and other agencies. It is overseen by elected and appointed members of both governments, and it maintains two Emergency Operations Centres, one at the Town of Digby Public Works building, and at the Municipal Airport. Its operations are supported by a regional Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC). The regional EMC for Digby is Bruce Snell. The managers for the Emergency Operations Centres are  Tom Ossinger, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Digby and Tyler Pulley, Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Digby.  Administrative staff of both governments also support Digby REMO operations, and representatives of volunteer organizations serve on the REMO planning committee.

The information on this website is provided to assist Town of Digby residents in understanding, planning for, and responding to a variety of risks and hazards in their homes, their community and in the province. While weather events are the most commonly considered hazards in the Digby area, man-made technical hazards are also possible and should be considered in plans for individual, family, and public safety.

The most effective common advice for Town of Digby residents is contained in three basic recommendations:

* Be prepared for self-sufficiency of up to 72 hours
* Have a personal and family kit of food, medications and supplies
* Know the current and possible risks you may face in your home and geography

Useful links:

Get prepared guides from the Goverment of Canada

Enviroment Canada Weather

Nova Scotia Power Outage Map

Current road conditions