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pdf A By law Respecting Outdoor Fires # 2018 04 ( pdf, 303 KB )
pdf A By law Respecting Intrusion, Robbery, and Fire Alarm Systems # 2002 05 ( pdf, 353 KB )
pdf A By law Respecting the Regulations of Discharges to the Public Sewer Systems # 2000 05 ( pdf, 1.06 MB )
pdf A By law Respecting the Regulations of Sewer Charges # 2001 04 ( pdf, 529 KB )
pdf A By law Respecting the Regulations of Sewer Connections # 1994 02 ( pdf, 164 KB )
pdf A By Law to Amend the Bylaw to Repeal Certain Bylaws # 2000 03 Bylaw # 2017 01 ( pdf, 182 KB )
pdf A By law to amend the Solid Waste Resource by law 2020-01 # 2024 01 ( pdf, 135 KB )
pdf A By law to Amend the Tax Reduction for Charitible Properties Bylaw # 2000 07 ( pdf, 300 KB )
pdf A By law to Close a Portion of Carleton Street # 1989 02 ( pdf, 308 KB )
pdf A By law to Close a Portion of Water Street # 1979 03 ( pdf, 269 KB )
pdf A By law to Close a Portion of West Street # 1989 01 ( pdf, 239 KB )
pdf A By law to Renumber Certain By laws # 2000 04 ( pdf, 366 KB )
pdf A By law to Repeal By law # 1974 01 the Recreation Committee By law # 2006 08 ( pdf, 49 KB )
pdf A By law to Repeal By law # 1974 02 the Automatic Machines By law # 2000 13 ( pdf, 211 KB )
pdf A By law to Repeal By law # 1976 01 the Installment Billing Committee By law # 2009 02 ( pdf, 55 KB )
pdf A By law to Repeal Bylaw # 1979 02 The By law Respecting Deposits by Candidates at an Election # 2003 02 ( pdf, 60 KB )
pdf A By law to Repeal Certain By laws # 2000 03 ( pdf, 286 KB )
pdf Feeding of Wild Birds and Animals By law 2022-02 ( pdf, 503 KB )
pdf Fire Protection Exemption By law 2024 02 ( pdf, 208 KB )
pdf Respecting the Distribuition of Flyers By Law #2023 02 ( pdf, 737 KB )
pdf The Alternative Voting By law # 2016 01 ( pdf, 979 KB )
pdf The Building By law #2023 04 ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf The Circus Performance Bylaw # 1997 01 ( pdf, 79 KB )
pdf The Civic Addressing Bylaw # 2011 03 ( pdf, 349 KB )
pdf The Dangerous or Unsightly Repeal Bylaw # 23A ( pdf, 197 KB )
pdf The Deed Transfer Tax By Law #2023 01 ( pdf, 134 KB )
pdf The Development Control and Planning Application Fees Bylaw # 2011 02 ( pdf, 677 KB )
pdf The Dog By Law 2021 01 ( pdf, 1.15 MB )
pdf The Firearms Bylaw # 2006 04 ( pdf, 173 KB )
pdf The Heritage Property By law # 1993 02 ( pdf, 171 KB )
pdf The Minimum Housing and Maintenance Standards Bylaw # 1979 01 ( pdf, 349 KB )
pdf The Minimum Rental Housing Units Standards By law # 2015 01 ( pdf, 238 KB )
pdf The Noise By law # 2014 01 ( pdf, 453 KB )
pdf The Reg Emergency Management Bylaw Digby # 2009 03 ( pdf, 316 KB )
pdf The Repeal Bylaw # 24 ( pdf, 180 KB )
pdf The Solid Waste Resource Management Bylaw #2020 01 ( pdf, 1.28 MB )
pdf The Subdivision By law September 15 1988 ( pdf, 1.03 MB )
pdf The Tax Exemption for Charitable Properties By Law #2000 06 ( pdf, 126 KB )
pdf The Tax Reduction for Charitible Properties Bylaw # 2000 07 ( pdf, 239 KB )
pdf The Taxi By law # 2014 02 ( pdf, 739 KB )
pdf The Town of Digby Streets and Sidewalks By law # 2009 06 ( pdf, 537 KB )
pdf The Tree Committee Repeal Bylaw # 37A ( pdf, 204 KB )
pdf The Urban Chicken By Law #2020 02 ( pdf, 648 KB )
pdf The Vacant Building By law # 2013 01 ( pdf, 296 KB )
pdf Town of Digby Marketing and Promotion Levy By Law #2023 03 ( pdf, 183 KB )
pdf Town of Digby Public Places By law #2018 03 ( pdf, 607 KB )
pdf Town of Digby Vending & Licensing By law 2018 02 ( pdf, 1.04 MB )